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فيصل بن حريب
I am Faisal Muhammad bin Harib and my mobile number is 0568972334 and I offer and please help me and my card number is 1046157366 and a number before and I mean the attacks on my rights as a human being and my wife as a man by King Salman and his wife and daughters and Walid bin Talal, his mother and his brothers and with them are married Palestinians. I am the state and the Minister of the Interior, without honor and human morals, and they used to photograph me while they were spying on me for 14 years, and they were supplying me with drugs in front of the government's eyes, and in order to lose my mind and not report them. And these devices. It is very dangerous and has previously injured me in my penis more than once and in parts of my body and the 9 pile on the 7 mother by that and you know that these devices are forbidden internally and internationally and violate laws and regulations and they do so out of hate because I rejected their daughters who are sick and not criminals, and I still suffer from these devices even though I am I sent complaints to all the alarms in the country and sent them to Mohammed bin Salman more than once and asked him to respond to me. The American embassy called her more than once and asked for help 4 months ago, and they know about my situation. Protection and remove these devices from me forever I do not trust the Saudi government permanently and I ask the right to seek refuge in Al-Sisi to any country that gives me protection and removes these devices from me forever because I do not trust the Saudi government and finally, nor are they criminals who are terrorists. I would like to complain to the US embassy because they did not help me even though I do not support human rights in Saudi Arabia. In Geneva because they did not help me for 3 months and they were lying to me, and the calls were recorded. This is a collective crime in the rights of humanity and humanity, the first time a government attacks a citizen in any country that happens like this and I want them to be tried before the flag until they become through it for every unjust dog who abuses power and my happiness on a person or any other A right of his sacred rights and I want to ask for 500 million dollars in compensation for me for the care and damage that the devices were subjected to. I am Faisal Muhammad bin Harib and my mobile number is 0568972334 and I offer and please help me and my card number 1046157366 and a number before and please help me and my card number 1046157366 and the number before and please They are plans on them before, because I rejected their daughters and this is my right and motivated by hatred for years, and the 9 pile is aware of this, along with officers in the state security and the minister of the interior who are without honor and morals, and I want to complain to the 9 as a group for her work and help the criminals in their crime and cover them for 14 years and they know that these devices are forbidden internally And internationally, and violating laws and regulations, this is an unforgivable, organic reminder that they were in my pictures without clothes and threatened me with 7 A lack of honor and morals, and the government is aware of this. I give charity and I want to complain repeatedly in an international court and I want them to be punished in front of the world to be through it for every unjust request that misuse of power is used. The device 8 is on human beings and reduces the value, sanctity, or rights of a person. I ask the right to seek refuge in Al-Sisi to any country that gives me protection and removes these devices from me forever because I do not trust the Saudi government and finally and this is my right and I want King Salman, his wife, daughters, and newborns to Talal, his wife, mother and daughters to be tried in his court International and with them the Saudi government and rulers like the Gulf. I asked the American embassy for help 4 months ago and they were aware of a biscuit and they did not help me, but they were lying about They say they are not terrorist criminals and this. It is forbidden for them to have the atmosphere, and I want to complain to them, because I know that Bidun supports human rights in Saudi Arabia with respect to humanity, and they were Fiorentina, to complain about human rights in Geneva and not6 minute devices dominate me after listening devices, recording and observers, while I am inside my house and photographing me without clothes and threatening me in order not to report them as dishonorable and inviolate me in parts of 0 named before and in my male organ and I hear their voices and affect parts inside my body They are plans on them before, because I rejected their daughters and this is my right and motivated by hatred for years, and the 9 pile is aware of this, along with officers in the state security and the minister of the interior who are without honor and morals, and I want to complain to the 9 as a group for her work and help the criminals in their crime and cover them for 14 years and they know that these devices are forbidden internally And internationally, and violating laws and regulations, this is an unforgivable, organic reminder that they were in my pictures without clothes and threatened me with 7 A lack of honor and morals, and the government is aware of this. I give charity and I want to complain repeatedly in an international court and I want them to be punished in front of the world to be through it for every unjust request that misuse of power is used. The device 8 is on human beings and reduces the value, sanctity, or rights of a person. I ask the right to seek refuge in Al-Sisi to any country that gives me protection and removes these devices from me forever because I do not trust the Saudi government and finally and this is my right and I want King Salman, his wi I am Faisal Muhammad bin Harib and my mobile number is 0568972334 and I offer and please help me and my card number is 1046157366 and a number before and I mean the attacks on my rights as a human being and my wife as a man by King Salman and his wife and daughters and Walid bin Talal, his mother and his brothers and with them are married Palestinians. I am the state and the Minister of the Interior, without honor and human morals, and they used to photograph me while they were spying on me for 14 years, and they were supplying me with drugs in front of the government's eyes, and in order to lose my mind and not report them. And these devices. It is very dangerous and has previously injured me in my penis more than once and in parts of my body and the 9 pile on the 7 mother by that and you know that these devices are forbidden internally and internationally and violate laws and regulations and they do so out of hate because I rejected their daughters who are sick and not criminals, and I still suffer from these devices even though I am I sent complaints to all the alarms in the country and sent them to Mohammed bin Salman more than once and asked him to respond to me. The American embassy called her more than once and asked for help 4 months ago, and they know about my situation. Protection and remove these devices from me forever
فيصل بن حريب
7 people اعجبت بهذا
فيصل بن حريب
I am Faisal Muhammad bin Harib and my mobile number is 0568972334 and I offer and please help me and my card number is 1046157366 and a number before and I mean the attacks on my rights as a human being and my wife as a man by King Salman and his wife and daughters and Walid bin Talal, his mother and his brothers and with them are married Palestinians. I am the state and the Minister of the Interior, without honor and human morals, and they used to photograph me while they were spying on me for 14 years, and they were supplying me with drugs in front of the government's eyes, and in order to lose my mind and not report them. And these devices. It is very dangerous and has previously injured me in my penis more than once and in parts of my body and the 9 pile on the 7 mother by that and you know that these devices are forbidden internally and internationally and violate laws and regulations and they do so out of hate because I rejected their daughters who are sick and not criminals, and I still suffer from these devices even though I am I sent complaints to all the alarms in the country and sent them to Mohammed bin Salman more than once and asked him to respond to me. The American embassy called her more than once and asked for help 4 months ago, and they know about my situation. Protection and remove these devices from me forever
اعجاب May 11, 2021
فيصل بن حريب
عيدكم باني اتعرض لانتهاكات الحقوقي كانسان وحرامي كرجل من قبل الوليد بن طلال وأفراد عائلته وشخص يدعى فيصل ابو اثنين وأفراد عطاءاتهم وبمساعدة ضباط في الامن فهم يسقطون اجهزه للتجسس علي ومراقبين حتى وإن في بيتي اجهزه تؤثر على تفكيري واعصابي واسعدني بخوف شديد واجهزهوحاده قاطع سبق وأن جرحني في عضوي الذكري وهم يقولون انهم يروني وانه قامت بجلب أشخاص آخرين ومكان بيتي سليل وانا فىجه وهم يقولون انهم يروني بدون ملابس كي لا أبلغ عنهم الى هذه الدرجه بلغت الحقائق والدناءه وهم يقولون ذلك وانهم فخورين بذلك في أي شرع يحث هذا وعندما اذهب الى الشرطه يروني وسجنونو ووضعوا القيود في يدي بس اةني اشتكيت عن اعتداء وقع علي اين شرف المنه وبعد أن علموا الملفات حقوق الإنسان قبلوا شكواي ولكنهم رافضين التحقيق مع المتهمين رافضين أن يرفعوا اوراقي للبحث الجنائي كي يلبسوا على هؤلاء المجرمين فكيف ذلك اسبوعين ولم بالتوازن أخذ والقضية لا تأخذ مجراها الطبيعي واليوم صورت المحضر فأخذوا مني جوالي وبركاته يعني الغوا ملك البنات التي للجوال وهذه جريمه لان للجوال فيه خصوصيات لي مدير مركز الشرطه فعل ذلك في واسعدني في الحجز ورفض وارسل ٢ من الجنود أعطيت أسماءهم لأعماله في تليفون الطواري مودا عيدكم على وساروا مني وحرامي وكأني تشحذ شب منهم انا اريد ان تأخذ قضيتي وضعا مجراها الطبيعي ولا اريد ان اذهب الي القسم كل يوم وهؤلاء الضباط يستمروا في وكأني ليست مواطن لي احترام وتقدير ولي الحق أن أبلغ عن أي اعتداء يحدث لي الشرطه مهمتها القبض على المعتدي اعتذاره وإطلاق هذه الاجهزه نهائيا والعبد وأن بصراحه لم أعد اثق بالحكومة السعوديه لأني عندما ذهبت لحقوق الإنسان في الرياض لم يفعلوا لي شي كيف انسان تسلط عليه اجهزه هل يعقل هذا ويصبح فىجه مسلم ستره الله كيف تتعدى عليه واضحه وتتبلور عليه لا يمكن أن تقبل بشي مثل هذا وقد أبلغت حقوق الإنسان في الأمم المتحده وتواصلت معي ارجوا ان تاخذ قضيتي مجراها الطبيعي وانا أطالب بمعاقبة ضباط الامن الذين خالفوا ضمائرهم وشاهدوا هؤلاء المجرمين المتطفلين على اعتداء علي بهذه الطريقة يروني وانا من دون ملابس وانهم يروني لكي لا أبلغ انا أطالب حقي الشرعي والمدني في I need help send mymessage to humanrights United nations and to president baydon because I went to the America embassy and they did not help me and I called mohd bin salman and they did notjing those criminals said they now king salman and they kill me If i tell i am faisal mohd bin huraib my phone 0568972334 and my id number 1056157366 وهذا القرد سلمان ومعه زوجته القبيحه وافراظ عاءةتهم والوليد بن طلال وافراد عاءلتهم عديمي الشرف والاخلاق الانسانيه وكانوا بصوروني وانا بدون ملابس وهددوني كي لا أبلغ ويسألون إلى هذه الدرجه بلغت ومانوا يظودوني بلمخدرات ويجلبوان اشخاص اخربن معهم وكلنوا ييحتفضوا بنسخ من هذه الصور لكي يهددوني بها الكلاب عديمي الشرف والاخلاق الانسانيه وكانوا ومعهم وزير الداخليه ورءيس الانن والسفاره المريكيه على علم بذلك وهم يههوني بتجارةاكخدرات الجهزه التي على متذى١٤ سنه غبير قانونيه وهءه مخالف للنظام وتصوبري وانا ظاهل بيتي بدون ملابس هذه جرينه اخري والتجسس على ونقل ا٨باري هءه جريمهةاخري وتعذيبي بهءه الجهزه جريمه اخري وتزويدي بالمخدرات تماما الحكومه حريمه اخري وجىحي وتعذيبي حتى ذكري جرحوني فيه هذا ام الوليظ وبناتهم والملك قرد يقول انه لن يعاقبهم ولن يكبق القانون ولا الشرع لان ديننا الاسلامي يقول لا تجسسوا وهم يتجسسون على منذ فتره طويله ويقول الإسلام تدخلوا البيوت من أبوابها وهم لم يتدخلوا من بابي وانا وانا مسلم انسان أعيش للأسف في السعوديه وهو الحد الشرعي في الاسلام وهمةيىفضونه وليس كن حق الحاكم ان يخالف الشرع واا القازنو الى بوجود سبب مكتوب غلى ورق ردا وال٩ريمه حصلت امام العام كله والمل يدري وانا لن اتنازل ولن ارضي بهذا الاعتداء واكلبت ردا كتابيا من الاهبل محمد بن سلمان وانتظر الرد واريد ان تصل وانا طلبت الجر الييس الى اي دوله تمنحني الحمايه وترفع عني هذه الاجهزه للأبد لأني لا اثق بالحكومة السعوديه وهذا من حقي والسفاره اامريكيه طلبت منها لاتدخل او الحؤ السيس اكثر من مره ولا ادرر ماءا ينتظرون فالعلم يدري وااجربمه وقعت وانا اؤيدهم ان يحاكموا اماما ااهاام لانهم يقولون انهم السعود وانهم لا يطبق عليهم القانون ولا المنظمه والقوانين والشرع ولدهم يرفضون الأحكام ولاما اريدهم ان يكونا عبىه اماما العالم لكل من يحاول ان يتعظي على ااانسان ويقلل من حقوقه ام رخالف تاقلونين والنظومه واهءت الهبل القرد شلمان يهدظني بالقتل وابسجن ويههدنؤ بتجار اامخدرات و٧ءه جيريمه اخري اري ان تصل شكوتي الى الرؤيس بايدون والى المم المتحده وانو فيصل محمد بن حريب ورقم جوالي 0568972334واتعرض وأرجوا مساعدتي ورقم بطاقتي 1046157366ورقم ورقم
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